Syresham Friends

See our FACEBOOK PAGE for details of current events

Application form to join the Friends 

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The Friends of

St James Syresham


A Long History

St James Church has served the people of Syresham for over 800 years.  Generations of villagers have worshipped there together, or have sat alone in the church to think and to pray in its atmosphere of wonderful peace and tranquility. Children have been baptized, couples married and villagers mourned and laid to rest in the churchyard.


So, too, have people who loved the church repaired and cared for its fabric and looked after its grounds.  All this continues to be done, but the congregation needs to call on the help of its friends in this work….


The Work Today

Through the generosity of our legacy from Miss Madge Payne, grants and the help of our Friends, an enormous amount has been achieved to enhance the beauty of our church and to increase the facilities it provides for the congregation and those who live in the village.  However, maintaining and caring for an old building is always ongoing and time consuming and…..


We Need Our Friends to Help Us!

The regular worshipping congregation of St. James gives and raises the money for our contribution to the running expenses of the Diocese of Peterborough and for the “housekeeping” costs of the church (a total of over £20,000 a year.)  If we are to maintain and beautify still further our ancient and lovely church and its grounds we need the help of all our friends, those who live in the village and value its heritage, those who no longer live here but love this church, and those who remember it as the setting for important family occasions.


How Can You Help?

We need our friends not only to think of us with affection but also to assist us in very practical ways. Joining the 200club will help with financial support to fund projects to enhance the church. Subscribing to be a Friend will help you to stay in touch and hear about social activities and the needs of the church.  Practical help can also be given through church cleaning, mowing the churchyard,  joining the Churchyard working party, decorating the church with flowers, and helping to organise and attend our social functions.  We would like  to see the church used fully by many.

Details of how to join us are on the application form.


Keeping in Touch

We help our friends to keep in touch by organizing a variety of events, which contribute to the social life of the village. These include concerts, pancake lunch, Christmas get together and a summer party with AGM.


We warmly welcome new “Friends” and all the members of the committee have details of membership.



Friends of St. James’ Committee

Antoinette Hornby (Chairman)

Sallie Connery (Secretary)

Margaret Miller

Hilary Stanley

Sally Earl-Barton

Rachel Bayer



Treasurer Alice Palmer




New Years Concert

January 4th 7pm in Syresham Church

Friends Poppy DIsplay

The Poppies are in church for the weekend

Syresham Friends Fun Quiz

Quiz: October 6th in Church

Friends Poppy Challenge

How to make poppies for the church tower

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