What a great day we had with perfect weather to match.

Rev Hugh led us on a Pentecost Pilgrimage - starting out with Morning Prayer 8am  at Lois Weedon.



Next we headed off to Wappenham to meet with friends there.


A short stop at Wappenham Chapel then onwards to Syresham where we celebrated Pentecost in style alongside Nicola's Baptism.


After cake fizz and lunch we headed to Whitfield and found friends waiting patiently for us - even though we were half an hour late.

On then to Radsone and Helmdon for a welcome cup of tea and biscuits.


It was left to Rev. Hugh to continue the journey alone. He met a member of Weston Chapel on the way and enjoyed refreshments left at Plumpton finally arriving back in Lois Weedon for COmpline at 8:45pm - What a marathon!

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